Category: Dogs

  • Lovely Yellow

    Spring is here and shades of yellow can be spotted everywhere in the garden. Here are a few of my favorites. Maya our golden retriever the ultimate gardening side kick. The Calendula has exploded this year. It’s twice the size it was last year. I forgotten all about the yellow freesia until it popped up…

  • Christmas for The Dogs

    The weatherman had been promising me a big storm for this past weekend. But then on Saturday the storm never rolled in and it was just too beautiful to hang out indoors. But on Sunday we finally got some much needed rain, I spent the whole day baking and experimenting with recipes. I even came…

  • Howl-o-ween

    I have entered Jack into Luvmutt’s Halloween contest. Here is Jack modeling his old Halloween costume from last year. Isn’t he dashing in his fake pantsuit? He tolerated everything but the wig. He was utterly embarrassed to be wearing it. Before last year I would have never thought to dress up my dog in a…

  • Not What I Planned for Lunch

    During my lunch break, I let the dogs out for a little fresh air and sunshine. Five minutes later I look outside and Jack is playing with something that’s a small and gray. I go outside for a closer look to find my prey driven dog has caught and killed a little field mouse. I…

  • Dog Days

    Do you need a mental break while at work? Tired of looking at ugly spreadsheets and word documents? When your boss isn’t around take a little brain break and look at cute puppies and adorable mutts. For the best collection mixed breeds check out Luvmutts There is also the Daily Puppy or the Daily Kitten…

  • Jack is Famous!

    My dog Jack is the featured mutt on the website

  • Hmm, is your dog spoiled?

    I was flipping through a Petedge catalog last night when I spotted the ultimate in dog owner craziness. They actually have three different sets of dog furniture.  That’s right they have a collection of dog furniture for the dog who has everything.  Each collection had a luxurious dog bed frame and matteress. A wardrobe for all of…

  • Love is Fleeting

    Maya’s “babies” go through four stages. First there is the love affair. She carries her new toy wherever she goes, she guards it from us and the other dog (she even buried a toy in the backyard). She even takes it to bed with her. Then their is the “fun” stage, the new toy now serves…