Happy Halloween! Past, Present and Surprise!

One of my first Halloweens that's me on the right.

Heather, Me, and Sharon

Happy Halloween, I hope everyone had a good time and are recovering nicely from their candy hangover. Recently, my mom has been sending me photos from my childhood.  I thought I would share some of the pictures from my early Halloweens.  While looking at these I was surprised by how many times I chose to be a clown. My mom told me I didn’t want to wear anything girly or cute so apparently I embraced scary clowns. That mask is frightening. My sisters on the other hand went as cute mice or as princesses.

This year, I skipped that parties and hung out at home. I got the dog dressed up, made pumpkin cupcakes and spent way too much time carving pumpkins. My attempt to make a cute dog Jack O’Lantern but I think it ended up looking more like a Zombie Ewok.

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My work this year decided to participate in the annual office Halloween contest. We went with a bee theme. Each person picked a particular bee to dress up. We had a carpenter bee, a spelling bee, Zombie, and Bea Arthur.

For those of you on Twitter you probably already know my big news but I have a little announcement. We are expecting a baby! A baby boy is due in late January and we are very excited.

So for Halloween, I decided to make the best out of my expanding baby belly and go as “Mother to Bee”.  I enhanced the free shirt I got from my doctor’s office with electrical tape, threw on some wings and antennae and presto instant costume.

Happy Halloween, went as Mother to BEE

I hope everyone had a great holiday with plenty of treats and candy.








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