While exploring Fort Mason, I accidentally stumbled upon it’s gorgeous community garden. I felt like like Mary Lennox discovering the Secret Garden. Beyond the garden gate is a massive 7,000 square foot community garden in a park like setting. The numerous plots are surrounded by flowers and succulents. Little benches placed throughout the area make it the perfect spot to relax and escape the busy city.
Founded in 1976, this location was chosen after research revealed that this was the original spot of the Civil War era Fort Mason’s garden in 1890. The community garden is 7,000 square feet and it contains 125 plots about 20-feet by 5-feet. The wait list is whopping seven years. I hope people on the list have other means for getting their gardening fix while they wait. I really like the fact that members have access to a green house. I’m sure that’s very helpful with the unpredictable cooler temperatures of San Francisco.
I think this bench would a perfect spot to read a book or pack a snack.
I love this garden sculpture of Ganesha. I’ve been on the lookout for one of my own without avail.
I love the dark color of the Aeonium paired with the bright yellow and red flowers.
If your in the area I strongly suggest you check out the garden. The entire park is lovely way to spend a day and it’s not far from some other attractions.
Fort Mason Community Garden Page
The Fort Mason Community Garden is actually one of 40 community gardens in the San Francisco area. For more information go to
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