Basil Addict

Thai Basil

If I had to pick a favorite herb, it would have to be Basil. In fact, I can honestly say that I’m slightly addicted to this amazing herb. I have multiple seedlings already growing and I’m about to start a few more. This year I’m not going to bother with the ornamental varieties like the last years, Opal Basil. Instead I’m planting varieties of various sizes. I have the statuesque Italian Large leaf basil, the medium bush size of the French Fino Verde and lastly the bonsai eight inch Italian variety. I’m also growing Thai basil’s for stir fry and a Lemon Basil (thanks to Gardenpunks). What about you, are there any varieties that you can’t live without?

Lemon Basil







6 responses to “Basil Addict”

  1. sassypriscilla Avatar

    Genovese basil. LOVE IT.

    1. nkristis Avatar

      That’s always a good one, thanks for sharing.

  2. Cherry Avatar

    opps think I’m addicted also .. cause I love them all

    1. nkristis Avatar

      Ha ha, how can you not be.

  3. Blackswampgirl Kim Avatar

    I really liked the Opal basil one year when I grew it, and then the next year I thought it was just okay. Besides the Thai, lemon, and Genovese I would recommend ‘Red Rubin’ if you can find it (it’s a very pretty purple basil, but more consistently tasty for me than the Opal) and the lime basil is interesting, too. I also like the ‘Spicy Globe’ basil because its leaves are so small that you can use them whole when you’re in a hurry–and you can tuck it in anywhere, aesthetically speaking, with its fine-textured leaves.

    Oh, and I’ve heard a lot of people comment about how good the ‘African Blue’ basil is, but I just thought that the taste I had was merely okay. (Working part-time in a garden center, you get to sample some of the herbs… lol.)

    LOVE your blog, btw–can’t wait to return!

    1. nkristis Avatar

      Thank you so much for your input. I was browsing through the basil seed the other day and I almost grabbed Lime basil and Red Rubin. I’ll have to give them a go next time. I have also heard good things about African Blue but I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. My coworker really liked Holy Basil and he recommended it for stir fries over Thai basil. Have you ever given that one a try?

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