
You know your a Californian when you get excited about the slightest change in the weather. This morning I was up early and saw all of this marvelous fog hovering around. Doesn’t it look like Vincent Price could be looming around the corner?


And speaking of Vincent Price I had to share this early Tim Burton animation. I know it’s past Halloween and Thanksgiving is around the corner but I thought it was a clever tribute. Not to mention an impressive debut for Burton who was only 22 when he made this.






3 responses to “Fog”

  1. Julie Avatar

    WOW…that was a funny little “short”. I hope the fog lifted in a short while after the sun came up today!

  2. Katie Avatar

    You said it! We get all excited if it is something other than “sunny” or “sunny and hot” (depending on the season.

    I just hope we get some rain sometime soon.

  3. nkristis Avatar

    Julie: I turned out to be a great weekend. Thanks

    Katie: There is rain in the forecast for Tuesday and possibly Wednesday. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we won’t have such a dry winter like last year.

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