These Mums appear to be confused, don’t they know they should blooming in the fall? The shades of orange look more appropriate for October and not in the sickly heat of July.
Dreaming of Fall
7 responses to “Dreaming of Fall”
Interesting to see those mum’s blooming. We have a ton planted at the nursery I work at. It’s a wholesale nursery and come a few months a large portion of the color department will be mums. Right now none of them are in bloom but they are getting bigger.
I absolutely love this shot!
Whoa. That’s weird. Awesome shot though!
BEAUTIFUL! I love the color and the photo its self has great composition!
James and I love your pictures! They are all so crisp and beautiful angles.
So gorgeous! I really have associated those golden mums with Fall now that I’ve actually experienced it here in New England. I love the photo. Makes me want to go apple picking!
Thank guys, I’m not sure if the fluctuating heat has made them bloom early. I really like the colors. I had bought some Red and White Mums for Halloween last year and they will look so nice next to these orange ones.
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