Teeny Tiny Bit Of Harvest

The tomatoes and other vegetables are taking their sweet time this year. I was able to harvest my first Green Zebra Tomato with three little cherry tomatoes. These are tricky to pick because they are green and you need to make sure they are ripe. We determined that the tomato was ready when the stripes went from white to yellow. I sliced them up topped them with a little salt, fresh mozzarella, and olive oil. Delicious.


We have also been enjoying our basil plants. We made Chicken Pesto last Saturday. I’m thinking of replanting basil as my current plants are starting to go to seed. The cherry tomatoes where also from our garden.







2 responses to “Teeny Tiny Bit Of Harvest”

  1. Katie Avatar

    Yep, Green Zebras are hard to tell when ripe. I pulled one off the other day thinking it was ripe (not quite) and I have never tasted an underripe tomato, nor ever want to again.

    We’ve just replanted our basil as well. That first heat wave kinda did the first plants in a few months ago and they’ve tasted terrible so far. Hope these ones will be tastier.

  2. Angie Avatar

    Mmmm, that looks SO good!

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