UC Davis Botanical Conservatory

Today, turned out to be a beautiful day without a rain cloud in site. We swung by the the UC Davis Botanical Conservatory semi-annual plant sale. They had a wide variety of ornamental plants. The majority of them were either too large for our space or too expensive. Despite the variety nothing really caught my eye until I reached the last table. The last table had unique indoor plants and succulents for under five dollars. I bought this Aeonium Simsii hybrid which is a succulent from the Canary Islands. I bought it for the pretty rosette leaves but apparently it grows pretty yellow flowers in the summer.

I also could not resist this compact little indoor plant called a Fittonia Verschaffeltii. It’s a native from Peru.







2 responses to “UC Davis Botanical Conservatory”

  1. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Wow! That second one is very interesting 🙂 While living in California, we used to love succulents. Some of them are so hearty, and they require little watering 🙂

  2. Julie Avatar

    Hi. I had come to your blog when a search for aeonium, brought me to it! This sure is a beautiful aeonium! And, you picked out a Fittonia, another of my favorite houseplants. I have 3 different varieties of them…yours is called “White Anne”, I also have it, along with “Red Anne”, and “Red Vein”. They are so pretty and do well in low light…right up my alley!
    Julie @ http://www.assuculentlife.blogspot.com

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