Free Seeds


The holidays came a little early for me. As I have mentioned before I am a bit of a seed addict. I can’t help myself I see the shiny well photographed seed packet and I must buy them. In fact the downside of fall/winter is the limited planting opportunities.
That’s why I was so excite to find the website This is a program that encourages people to sow there seeds outdoors using green houses made from recycled materials. They will send you a variety of seeds for free to encourage gardeners to keep on planting thorough out the winter. The website states that it will send you six packets of seeds but I actually received double that amount. Some of them were what they called paritals and corious which where donated partial packets of seeds. All I did was send a self-addressed envelope to them and a week later I receive a fat envelope of seeds. It’s great because I received a variety of different flowers, vegetables, and plants some of which were completely foreign to me. It appears that some of the seeds where harvested by gardeners from their own plants. I should have some interesting results.

Tomato Mix (awesome)
Bachelor Buttons
Morning Glory
Robert Johnson (totally new to me, a plant named after the famous bluesman)
Pot Marigold Mix
Huskers Red Penstemon (Another new one for me)
Hollyhock Blend
Purple Coneflower (Perfect for my area)
Anise-Hyssop (Very popular in our area should be fun to try to grow)
Spider Flower (A pretty flower that I have never seen before)

I’ll keep you updated on how they turn out.






4 responses to “Free Seeds”

  1. Kristina Avatar

    Thanks for the info— I’m addressing my own envelope right now!

  2. Deb Avatar

    Hi, another Nablopomer here. Someone commented on my blog and mentioned that they were both posting every day and visiting another nablopomer’s blog every day, which sounded like a great idea to me, so I’m going to try to do the same. I clicked on the randomizer, and here I am! 😀

    Thanks for posting about this! I was a horrible summer gardener, but it is nice to know that I could redeem myself for the winter. And I love that they are into recycled material, as well. Excellent info all around!

  3. nkristis Avatar

    That’s great guys, I think it’s a great program and I got lots of seeds I never would have thought to buy or don’t even have available in my area.

  4. WinterSown Avatar

    I was doing some Q&A tonight and searching the net for WS commentary and came across your blog.

    Thank you very much for posting info about WinterSown.Org and showing a picture of the seeds we share! The seeds we share do change as time goes by and a variety is exhausted, but we always try to share a mix of edibles and ornamentals–there’s always annuals and perennials and something “veggie”, and always tomatoes!


    Trudi Davidoff, Pres.
    WinterSown Educational

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