Welcoming Fall


The summer heat made a late appearance this year but it’s finally letting go and allowing autumn to take over. The days are shorter and the evenings are cooler. It’s the time of year where you can enjoy the apples and winter squash at the farmers market and you can still collect peppers and eggplants out of the garden. We’ve even had a few rain storms already. We usually have to wait until Halloween for our first siting of rain.


The recent mix of heat waves and rain storms has left a few blank patches in the garden. Desperate for some fall color I loaded up on popular fall favorites like violas, snapdragons and Icelandic poppies.



There are still some summer plants going strong the dahlias and petunias are especially happy right now.



Now that’s it cooler I’m looking forward to doing lots of baking, pumpkin carving, planting fall vegetables and bundling up in sweaters. Happy Fall everyone.






2 responses to “Welcoming Fall”

  1. The Sage Butterfly Avatar

    Your fall garden display is lovely. I, too, am looking forward to all the wonderful activities of fall.

  2. Julie Avatar

    It is nice to be entering the new season, and look forward to cooler air, different fruits and vegies, and fall/winter fun!!!

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