Get Better Soon Katie

16241_161544683212_751073212_2757655_967825_n (Me, Katie aka Gardenpunk, Rosalind Creasy, and Carrie aka Readbetweenthelimes)

I received the sad news on Thursday, that one of my friends and favorite gardenbloggers had fallen gravely ill. Please keep Katie from Gardenpunk in your thoughts. Her family is providing regular updates on her online journal.. It’s hard to imagine someone so feisty, strong and young could become so sick so quickly. I was trying to make sense of this by talking to my sister, who is a doctor, her advice was that you should never underestimate the body’s ability to heal itself. I found this comforting because I know she is a strong person who is capable of amazing things. I have no doubt that she will overcome this. I just want to give a big cyber hug to Katie, her family and loved ones. Keep fighting Katie!






2 responses to “Get Better Soon Katie”

  1. kate Avatar

    What a beautiful post. I love the photograph here. It’s so hard to
    imagine Katie not being her spunky self. Makes me realise how
    fragile life can sometimes be. Katie is fortunate to have you and
    Carri as friends.

    (Sweet peas are tempermental for
    me too. Some years they do okay ~ but I’ve never been able to
    re-create the vision from my childhood of fences filled with
    sweet pea blooms.)

  2. heather Avatar

    sorry your friend is so sick Kristi.

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