May Flowers

I discovered some new flowers while cleaning up the flower beds. Behold the bright Calendula or Pot Marigold. This is another edible flower apparently the petals can be sprinkled onto salads.


We also now have a plant called Bachelor Buttons. I wasn’t sure if I would like these because they were growing fairly tall without any flowers. The purple blue flowers do look very nice amongst the purple African Daisies and the blue Marguerite daisies.


I also found a welcome visitor on the roses. Now if he could also invite his buddies over to feast on our aphids it would be much appreciated.







5 responses to “May Flowers”

  1. Jenny Avatar

    At least yours is alive…I keep finding dead ladybugs in my house.

  2. Debbie Williamson Avatar

    Hi! I wrote a story about May Flowers. In my Bed Tyme Tales story, May Flowers, Troll Daddy thinks he has struck it rich with a find of oil.

  3. nkristis Avatar

    Jenny: I have heard of that happening in colder climates. The ladybugs try to stay warm and hibernate in people’s homes.

  4. Debbie Avatar

    As usual, your photos are exquisite. We had an “issue-ridden” late winter/spring around here and I had let my plants/flower gardens etc. go. Working hard to get everything back to beauty instead of an overgrown mess. Your blog is such incentive to keep me going. Thanks!

  5. Elaine Avatar

    A lovely trio of early May flowers. Love the shades of red, yellow and blue. I can see that calendula in a bowl with mixed greens.

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