I would like to thank all of you for reading my blog. I love getting your e-mails, comments, and questions. Debbie from Baggingit.com (A very talented crafter) wanted to know why we laid down newspapers in the garden. I realized that I didn’t explain our process that well. What we did was layer newspapers over the garden area sprayed it with water so it would harden and then placed the mulch on top. This process is called “smothering”. The newspapers get wet and create a barrier that weeds cannot penetrate. In the past I’ve seen landscapers use black plastic bags or tarp before laying down mulch. But I think the black plastic detracts from the garden when it stick out or tears. Newspapers are also biodegradable and more environmentally friendly than black plastic bags.
Experts recommend you begin this process in the fall so that the grounds are prepared for the spring planting. However, we did the weekend gardener approach. We did the smothering process and when our plants where ready we dug through the newspapers and mulch and planted the plants into the dirt. We then recovered with mulch. The plants seem much happier now that they are in the ground and have plenty of room to grow.
Thanks again, please feel free to comment or ask me any questions.
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