How Does Your Garden Grow?

This Saturday, Simon and I spent the day cleaning up the backyard and putting together our garden. The seedlings are all grown up and are ready to be put in pots and in the ground. First we had to a little prep work. We spent the morning pulling weeds Maya was very interested in this part of the process she kept hovering around me. I think she was hoping I would uncover one of her lost and forgotten bones. Then we laid newspapers down across the dirt careful not to cover any existing plants.
How does your garden grow post on
Then we we laid down redwood mulch on top of the newspapers about three inches thick. After that we planted our spinach, basil, tomato, onion and cucumber plants. I actually have a few extra seedlings that I plan on sharing with friends. We also set up a make shift gate to keep my dog away from the fragile plants.
Vegetable Garden Blog on
We also have a section for all of our flowers. We have tulips, crocus, roses, poppies and zinnias.
FLower Section of GArden on






2 responses to “How Does Your Garden Grow?”

  1. Simon Avatar

    So fun!! I can’t wait to see them all grow up…then eat them in a tasty salad!

  2. Debbie Avatar

    Hi, why do you lay newspapers down first?

    Do you leave the newspapers and then plant on top of that?

    I will be checking back often in hopes that you will post more beautiful photos of your garden!

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