Planting Project Update

Even though the stores have aisles of fake pumpkins and fake fall leaves it looks like summer will be around for a little longer. I love fall it’s by far my favorite season. I keep hoping the summer heat will fade and then I can start some new projects. According to the weather channel we will have to suffer through more triple digit heat for awhile before fall gets here. I’ll have to be content to drink an icey beverage and eat all of those summer tomatoes. In other garden news my lavendar plant is finally growing. I was told it was nearly impossible to grow lavendar by seed but I was determined to try. It took me multiple tries and three seed packets before I got a single plant and then it didn’t seem to grow for the first three months. Now it’s slower growing and isn’t it pretty? He’s keeping my garden gnome happy.
I mentioned my tomatoes are still doing great but I have a new vegtable which I bought a month ago on clearance at the drug store. Behold the Green Bell Pepper plant. I don’t know what I have been doing but apparently he likes it because he has a ton of flowers and is already producing some peppers.
Bell Pepper
First Bell Pepper!
Even in the heat we still have some flowers. The Zinnias are blooming again and check out the little flowers in the middle.






One response to “Planting Project Update”

  1. heather Avatar

    I think it is really cool you have such a green thumb. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two? I don’t seem to have any luck with anything but grandma’s violets! Would you like
    me to save you some babyfood jars? Another couple months and he won’t be using them anymore.

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