Month: May 2007
Weekend Gardening Projects
My weekend project was to move my now giant cosmo plants and stunted zinnias out of their pots and into the back of the garden. Wow, did these guys need to get out of those pots they had do much roots. The zinnias are now starting to bloom (finally) and the cosmos seem much happier.…
My Nephew is Cuter than Yours
Road Trip!
Today has been a flurry of cleaning, shopping, and last minute packing for our big trip. We are heading down to San Francisco at 2:30 AM to catch a flight to Georgia. Once there we will be driving across country back to California. Here’s a map of our journey. I appreciate any travel trips, anyone…
First Strawberry
was delicious. . .
Are You a Southerner or a Yankee?
Next week we are going on the ultimate road trip. We are helping my friend, her Jack Russell terrier, and her elderly cat move to California. We are flying from California to Georgia and then driving cross country back to California. To get into the Southern mindset I found this quiz on Alphadictionary. Ever wonder…
Summer Skirts
June is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking of updating my summer wardrobe. It’s already 90 degrees here and it will only get hotter as the summer progresses. I’ve been inspired by some of the projects on other sites. Sew Mama Sew has a great tutorial from Betty of Bitter Betty…
You Say Tomato : I Say Tomahto
A while back ago I thought I was going to lose all my tomato plants. They had a great start when they where growing inside but once I put them outside seedling after seedling kept dieing on me. We even bought a vine at Home Depot because we assumed our seedlings weren’t going to make…
Not What I Planned for Lunch
During my lunch break, I let the dogs out for a little fresh air and sunshine. Five minutes later I look outside and Jack is playing with something that’s a small and gray. I go outside for a closer look to find my prey driven dog has caught and killed a little field mouse. I…
Free Succulant
The other week we where at the UC Davis Botanical society to look at the Corpse Flower. They also had entire rooms dedicated to various plant families. They also had a room for succulants and cacti. The friendly botanist saw how was I was admiring this one unique white and green succulant. He promptly picked…
How Addicted to Coffee are You?
I found this funny quiz on C is for Cynical. It will probably come as no suprise to anyone who knows me that I am 75% addicted to coffee. Take the quiz and let me know if your a fellow coffee addict.