Rocky the Tomato

I had planted Roma Tomato seeds a few months ago. I was told by experience gardeners that planting from a seed wouldn’t work and that it’s best just to buy a vine from a local gardening shop. After a few weeks they flourished and I had an abundance of tomato seedling plants. Then we had a heat wave and suddenly they started to shrivel up and wither away. I staged an intervention and managed to save a few. That’s why I am especially proud of little tomato plant. It’s getting huge and will need to planted into a bigger pot soon. It has about five blooms but this is the first flower.






One response to “Rocky the Tomato”

  1. Hanna Avatar

    Thanks for your comments, it’s nice to know people actually read my blog once in a while. I should probably update it with the stuff I’ve finished lately.
    I’m happy to see that you are trying to learn to knit. I learned how to cast on and knit from my mom, but I learned purl, cast off, and everything else from the internet. Eventually I ended up buying The Knit Stitch by Sally Melville (and the Purl stitch follow up book), which are good to reference when I can’t get on the internet. I mainly use,, and the knitty gritty section of
    I love all the pictures on your blog, beautiful! I’m jealous of all the green you have already. Iowa is getting grass and that is about it.

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